Work of Rob Stokes
Shadowrun Returns (plus expansions)
Tactical RPG
Consultant, Story Developer, & Writer

Knowing that I was a big fan of the Shadowrun universe, Jordan Weisman brought me in to consult during pre-production of the original Dead Man's Switch campaign of Shadowrun Returns. Following that, I was offered the opportunity to do some writing for some of the secondary characters, including the two primary antagonists. Screenshots from the conversation editor are included below.
Later, I was asked to pitch a proposal for the Berlin campaign (which had been a Kickstarter stretch goal). After pouring over all the published content for Shadowrun's version of Berlin and Germany, I wrote up a proposal, which became the basis for the eventual Dragonfall campaign. The original pitch is included below. Additionally, during the home stretch, I identified a need for more NPCs in the home hub area, and agreed to write some new characters to fill that void.
When it came time to work on the Hong Kong campaign (another Kickstarter stretch goal), I once again consulted and collaborated on the development of the overarching story. And, once again, I helped with some additional writing down the line to help flesh out the player's main hub area. Specifically, I wrote the four troll members of the Ka Fai family running Club 88.