Work of Rob Stokes
Halo 3
Design Lead & Writer

The scope of my responsibilities increased substantially as we transitioned from Halo 2 to Halo 3, in part because of some key absences during pre-production. I ended up leading the campaign development, working with the environment art leads to define the locations we'd be visiting, managing the mission designers, and writing the initial drafts of the cinematics and mission dialogue.
In addition, I worked with the A.I. Lead to develop our new Objectives system, which is what governed how the designers spawned enemies and organized the structure of encounters. I also pitched the idea of adding another leg to the Halo tripod (guns, melee, grenades) with the addition of equipment.
Below you will find a slideshow of the development process for the campaign missions, starting with paper sketches and proceeding to whiteboards and then Illustrator files. Beneath that is the first draft of the cinematic script I wrote before handing it off to a writer we brought in for rewrites.