Work of Rob Stokes
Guild Wars 2 (LW & expansions)
Senior Content Designer & Writer

I was first hired to work on the personal story missions of Guild Wars 2, but when I got there they asked if I could instead help out the open world team instead. Since I needed to learn the tools anyway, I agreed and began by contributing to the finale of the GW2's Living World Season 2. I quickly learned that the open world allowed for a lot more freedom to tell stories than the personal story missions, which was where the writers spent the bulk of their time and attention.
After that, I joined the expansion team and began work on open world content for the Verdant Brink map of Heart of Thorns. I designed both dynamic events and static content, in addition to base spawning the world, placing resource nodes, and setting up POIs, Vistas, and Skill Challenges. The best examples of my work on HoT were the Jaka Itzel and Pact Encampment content hubs in Verdant Brink.
Next, I worked on the Path of Fire expansion, where I designed content and wrote lore for the Domain of Vabbi map. As before, this included dynamic events, static content, etc. However, I was also tasked with creating the griffon mount acquisition questline, which was a secret endgame progression of content spanning the whole of the expansion. Beyond that, I also overhauled and standardized the Adventures for Path of Fire to make them quicker and easier to implement. As part of that, I created the griffon flying adventures, which were a blast.