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Project Titan


Senior Story Developer


As the only story developer on Titan, I was responsible for working with the major stakeholders to define the world lore for the game. This work occurred alongside the mission designers, who constituted the other half of the world design team. This partnership worked both ways, with the mission designers providing me with their gameplay ideas to flesh out and with them taking inspiration for new game content from the lore I was creating.


When I was first brought on, the established lore was weak by the team's own admission. Everything tied back to an alien invasion, and nobody was happy with any of it. So with the blessing of the higher-ups, I scrapped the whole alien aspect and began constructing a much broader and deeper world with several threats and overaching plotlines, rather than just the one. As part of this, we commissioned some short stories from author Alex Irvine, who I managed. I also wrote some shorts as well, one of which is included below.


Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that Titan was a troubled project. From my perspective, I was having to please two masters (Rob Pardo and Chris Metzen) who had very different visions for the game. Pardo wanted a game about covert operatives fighting a shadow war with powers, whereas Metzen wanted his own comic book universe with colorful heroes duking it out in the skies like gods. I thought I could find a way to thread that needle, but in retrospect I wish I had realized there was too little daylight between them.

This channel is coming soon!
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